2名青少年,包括一名14岁青少年,在一次偷车未遂和枪击后,在谢尔比县被捕。 Two teens, including a 14-year-old, were arrested in Shelby County after a car theft attempt and shooting.
在田纳西州谢尔比县,一名14岁和另一名青少年在试图偷车并向车主开枪之后被捕。 In Shelby County, Tennessee, a 14-year-old and another teen were arrested after attempting to steal a car and firing shots at the owner. 嫌犯在越狱期间坠毁被盗车辆,逮捕了两人,其中三人仍然在逃。 The suspects crashed their stolen vehicle during the escape, leading to the arrest of two with the third still at large. 这名14岁的人面临包括汽车入室盗窃和盗窃在内的指控。 The 14-year-old faces charges including car burglary and theft.