Trump官员计划用驱逐和起诉来镇压亲巴勒斯坦的活动分子。 Trump officials plan to crack down on pro-Palestinian activists with deportations and prosecutions.
即将上任的川普政府计划对亲巴勒斯坦的抗议运动采取强硬立场,准备联邦调查和可能起诉活动分子。 The incoming Trump administration plans to take a tough stance against the pro-Palestinian protest movement, preparing federal investigations and potential prosecutions of activists. 这可以包括驱逐支持哈马斯的外国学生,起诉那些扰乱犹太事件的人,并指控没有在司法部注册的抗议领袖。 This could include deporting foreign students who support Hamas, prosecuting those who disrupt Jewish events, and charging protest leaders who fail to register with the Justice Department. 这一做法标志着拜登行政当局对该问题的处理方式有所转变。 The approach marks a shift from the Biden administration's handling of the issue.