明尼苏达维京队执行《粉丝行为守则》,以确保尊重和安全的体育场环境。 Minnesota Vikings implement Fan Code of Conduct to ensure respectful and safe stadium environment.
明尼苏达维京人制定了《粉丝行为守则》,以在美国银行体育场维持一种相互尊重和关爱家庭的环境。 The Minnesota Vikings have established a Fan Code of Conduct to maintain a respectful and family-friendly environment at U.S. Bank Stadium. 粉丝可以因破坏行为被驱散,包括战斗、使用攻击性语言、携带武器或酒精等违禁物品,以及阻碍观点或过道。 Fans can be ejected for disruptive behavior, including fighting, using offensive language, bringing prohibited items, like weapons or alcohol, and obstructing views or aisles. 该小组旨在确保所有参加者在其家庭游戏中都有积极的经验。 The team aims to ensure all attendees have a positive experience at their home games.