Baton Rouge的Lorraine街发生房屋火灾,起因是一根点燃的香烟,居民安全逃脱。 A house fire on Lorraine Street in Baton Rouge was caused by a lit cigarette, with the resident escaping safely.
Baton Rouge的Lorraine街发生火灾, 从前卧室开始, 居民用点燃的香烟睡着了。 A house fire broke out on Lorraine Street in Baton Rouge early Sunday morning, starting in the front bedroom when a resident fell asleep with a lit cigarette. 消防员约于上午2时30分抵达,控制了卧室的火灾,但房屋受到烟雾和水的破坏。 Firefighters arrived around 2:30 a.m. and contained the fire to the bedroom, though the house suffered from smoke and water damage. 居民在消防员到达之前安全逃脱。 The resident escaped safely before the firefighters arrived.