中国的5G+工业互联网正在改变钢铁制造和采矿等行业, 提高效率和降低成本。 China's 5G+ industrial internet is transforming sectors like steelmaking and mining, boosting efficiency and reducing costs.
5G+工业互联网正在改变中国的传统部门,如钢铁生产、设备制造、采矿和港口物流,提高效率和降低成本。 5G+ industrial internet is transforming traditional sectors in China, such as steelmaking, equipment manufacturing, mining, and port logistics, by boosting efficiency and reducing costs. 随着41个主要工业类别的15 000多个项目正在进行,技术将人、机器和系统连接起来。 With over 15,000 projects underway across 41 major industrial categories, the technology connects people, machines, and systems. 工业和信息技术部的目标是,通过在全国工业公司广泛采用这些技术,到2035年使中国成为智能制造业的全球领先国家。 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology aims to make China a global leader in smart manufacturing by 2035 through the widespread adoption of these technologies in industrial companies nationwide.