在堪萨斯市,ATV司机玩花招撞上了救护车,造成死亡。 ATV driver performing tricks crashes into ambulance in Kansas City, resulting in fatality.
在堪萨斯市,一名ATV司机在周日凌晨3点15分左右与一辆救护车撞车,身受致命伤。 An ATV driver was fatally injured in Kansas City after colliding with an ambulance around 3:15 am on Sunday. 据报告,司机在没有车灯的情况下表演诡计,失去控制,撞上了救护车。 The driver, reportedly performing tricks without headlights, lost control and crashed into the ambulance. 该个人被救护车弹射和击中,而救护车的乘客没有受伤。 The individual was ejected and struck by the ambulance, while the ambulance's occupants were unharmed. 这是今年在堪萨斯城的第86次致命事故 This is the 86th fatal crash in Kansas City this year.