巴基斯坦军队总司令承诺摧毁恐怖主义网络和确保国家安全。 Pakistan's army chief pledges commitment to dismantle terrorist networks and ensure national security.
巴基斯坦陆军司令Asim Munir将军访问了白沙瓦,以审查正在进行的反恐行动和安全局势。 Pakistan's Army Chief, General Asim Munir, visited Peshawar to review ongoing counter-terrorism operations and security situations. 穆尼尔承诺军队致力于摧毁恐怖主义网络和确保国家安全,强调安全部队作出的牺牲。 Munir pledged the army's commitment to dismantling terrorist networks and ensuring national security, emphasizing the sacrifices made by security forces. 他保证继续与执法机构合作,打击恐怖主义和维护稳定。 He assured continued collaboration with law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism and maintain stability.