Kent Simpkins承认犯有儿童色情指控和动物性虐待罪,将被判处10年监禁。 Kent Simpkins pleads guilty to child porn charges and animal sexual abuse, faces 10 years in prison.
Kent Simpkins, 43岁,来自肯塔基州Magoffin县,对拥有和分销儿童性虐待材料和对动物的性犯罪认罪。 Kent Simpkins, a 43-year-old from Magoffin County, Kentucky, has pleaded guilty to possessing and distributing child sex abuse materials and a sexual crime against an animal. 调查是在向失踪和被剥削儿童全国中心提供消息后开始的。 The investigation began after a tip to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Simpkins将在2025年3月被判10年徒刑,并将在肯塔基州性犯罪登记簿上终身登记。 Simpkins is set to be sentenced to 10 years in March 2025 and will be a lifetime registrant on the Kentucky Sex Offender Registry.