底特律地区警官在坠机后杀害了两名男子,被控过失杀人罪。 Detroit-area police officer charged with manslaughter after crash killed two men.
底特律地区一名警官在造成两名男子死亡的车祸后被指控犯有过失杀人罪。 A Detroit-area police officer has been charged with manslaughter after a crash he caused resulted in the deaths of two men. 事件发生时,该名警官失去对车辆的控制,击中另一辆车,造成两名乘客死亡。 The incident occurred when the officer lost control of his vehicle, hitting another car and fatally injuring its two occupants. 目前仍在调查坠机细节以及该警官的行动。 Details of the crash and the officer's actions leading up to it are still under investigation.