Chhattisgarh推出“Bijli Sakhi Yojana”, 雇用女性阅读计量表, Chhattisgarh launches 'Bijli Sakhi Yojana,' hiring women for meter reading to empower local economies.
Chhattisgarh 政府在部落地区Jashpur区发起「Bijli Sakhi Yojana」计划, 让妇女在边远村庄协助电力部门读表, The Chhattisgarh government has launched the 'Bijli Sakhi Yojana' in Jashpur district, a tribal area, to economically empower women by having them assist the electricity department with meter reading in remote villages. 试点项目包括来自自助团体的21名妇女,她们每月将赚取4 000-6 000卢比。 The pilot project includes 21 women from a self-help group, who will earn Rs 4000-6000 per month. 这一倡议符合纳伦德拉·莫迪总理支持增强妇女经济权能的愿景。 This initiative aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision to support women's economic empowerment.