Warren Buffett的Berkshire Hathaway拥有5个股票投资组合的65%,现金创下了3 250亿美元的记录。 Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway holds 65% of its portfolio in five stocks, keeping a record $325 billion in cash.
Warren Buffett的Berkshire Hathaway将其2 930亿美元投资组合的65%投资于五大股票:苹果公司、美国快递公司、美国银行、可口可乐公司和Kraft Heinz。 Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway invests 65% of its $293 billion portfolio in five major stocks: Apple, American Express, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, and Kraft Heinz. 尽管销售了超过6.15亿苹果股票,但它仍然是最大的持有量。 Despite selling over 615 million Apple shares, it remains the largest holding. 巴菲特持有创纪录的 3250 亿美元现金,这可能是由于市场怀疑和高估值。 Buffett is holding record cash at $325 billion, likely due to market skepticism and high valuations. 最近的行动表明,在潜在的市场纠正中采取了谨慎的态度。 Recent moves suggest a cautious approach amid potential market corrections.