法国法院判处父亲20年监禁,罪名是强奸其十几岁的女儿并剥削她。 French court sentences father to 20 years for raping his teenage daughter and exploiting her.
一家法国法院判处一名38岁男子20年徒刑,罪名是强奸其十几岁的养女,并将她供养给陌生人进行性交易。 A French court sentenced a 38-year-old man to 20 years in prison for raping his teenage adoptive daughter and offering her to strangers for sex. 父亲从13岁开始强迫她发生性行为,声称这是一种双方同意的幻想。 The father forced sexual acts on her starting at age 13, claiming it was a consensual fantasy. 受害者现在18岁,选择公开审判,由一只慰藉狗支持。 The victim, now 18, chose to have the trial in public, supported by a comfort dog. 本案与Gisele Pelicot案相似,其中丈夫与妻子策划了类似行为。 This case mirrors the Gisele Pelicot case, where a husband orchestrated similar acts with his wife.