当选总统特朗普考虑批评疫苗强制令的马丁·马卡里 (Martin Makary) 担任 FDA 专员。 President-elect Trump considers Martin Makary, a critic of vaccine mandates, for FDA commissioner.
据报道, 美国当选总统特朗普正在考虑约翰霍普金斯医院的外科医生马丁·马卡里担任FDA专员. President-elect Donald Trump is reportedly considering Johns Hopkins surgeon Martin Makary for the FDA commissioner role. Makary以批评COVID-19疫苗任务而著称,它将监督林业发展局批准新的治疗办法,并对食品、烟草和医疗产品进行管理。 Makary, known for criticizing COVID-19 vaccine mandates, would oversee the FDA's approval of new treatments and regulation of food, tobacco, and medical products. 他将向特朗普的提名人罗伯特·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)领导的卫生与公众服务部报告,后者传播了疫苗错误信息。 He would report to the Department of Health and Human Services, headed by Trump's nominee, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has spread vaccine misinformation. 如果确认的话 Makary会接替Robert Califf博士 If confirmed, Makary would succeed Dr. Robert Califf.