印度官员因涉嫌诈骗退税和洗钱而被逮捕。 Indian official arrested for allegedly scamming tax refunds and laundering over ₹10 crore.
印度执法局逮捕了来自孟加拉鲁的Dilip B R,据称他操纵所得税收益,以获取欺诈性退款。 The Enforcement Directorate in India has arrested Dilip B R from Bengaluru for allegedly manipulating Income Tax Returns to secure fraudulent refunds. Dilip利用政府门户网站获取关于非居民纳税人的数据,伪造文件以开立银行账户,并更改报税单以增加退税额。 Dilip exploited government portals to obtain data on non-resident taxpayers, forging documents to open bank accounts and alter tax returns to increase refund amounts. 他被指控洗钱超过 10 种资产 如黄金、首饰和加密资产。 He is accused of laundering over ₹10 crore into assets like gold, jewelry, and cryptocurrencies. 此外,他还与银行贷款欺诈和盗用身份有关联,利用多重身份获得多个PAN卡。 Additionally, he is linked to bank loan fraud and identity theft, using multiple identities to obtain multiple PAN cards.