巴基斯坦的陆军总司令和总理强调采取集体行动打击恐怖主义和经济挑战。 Pakistan's army chief and prime minister emphasize collective action against terrorism and economic challenges.
巴基斯坦陆军参谋长Asim Munir将军强调,每个公民在打击恐怖主义中都发挥作用。 Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff, General Asim Munir, stressed that every citizen has a role in fighting terrorism. 在与高级官员会晤期间,Munir警告说,任何阻碍安全行动的企图都将产生严重后果。 During a meeting with top officials, Munir warned that any attempts to hinder security operations would have serious consequences. Shehbaz Sharif总理赞扬军方的努力,强调必须采取集体行动,应对经济和安全挑战,以实现国家繁荣。 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif praised the military's efforts and emphasized the need for collective action to address economic and security challenges, aiming for national prosperity.