新西兰搜索队发现一名失踪士兵的尸体,该士兵掉进了马纳瓦特河。 New Zealand search teams found the body of a missing soldier who fell into the Manawatū River.
一名失踪的新西兰国防军成员的尸体在行走他的狗时掉进马纳瓦特河中,在经过由各种应急部门和志愿者参与的多日搜索后被发现。 The body of a missing New Zealand Defence Force member, who fell into the Manawatū River while walking his dog, was found after a multi-day search involving various emergency services and volunteers. 行动包括一支国家潜水队、一艘快速水救援艇、无人机和一架直升机。 The operation included a national dive squad, a swift water rescue boat, drones, and a helicopter. 死亡不被视为可疑,并已转交验尸官。 The death is not considered suspicious and has been referred to the Coroner.