在阿富汗赫拉特,120对夫妇在一次群众仪式上结婚,每人接收价值1 460美元的电器。 In Herat, Afghanistan, 120 couples wed in a mass ceremony, receiving appliances valued at $1,460 each.
在阿富汗赫拉特,120对夫妇参加了一个慈善机构组织的大规模婚礼仪式,每人接收价值约1 460美元的家用电器。 In Herat, Afghanistan, 120 couples participated in a mass wedding ceremony organized by a charity, receiving household appliances valued at about $1,460 each. 这次活动旨在帮助年轻人克服经济困难和高昂的婚姻费用,在此之前,在萨尔普勒省举行了类似的仪式。 This event, aimed at helping young people overcome economic hardships and high marriage costs, follows a similar ceremony in Sari Pul province. 阿富汗看守政府鼓励避免过高的婚礼费用。 The Afghan caretaker government has encouraged avoiding excessive wedding expenses.