佛罗里达州新立法者暗示要打破德桑提斯州长的保守议程, 专注于地方议题。 Florida's new lawmakers hint at breaking from Governor DeSantis's conservative agenda, focusing on local issues.
佛罗里达州新立法者可能会挑战州长罗恩·德桑提斯在最后两年的影响力。 Florida's new lawmakers may challenge Governor Ron DeSantis' influence as he serves his final two years. Deantis推行了保守政策,包括限制堕胎和捍卫枪支权利,最近还发起了反对公民支持的堕胎权利和大麻合法化举措的运动。 DeSantis has pushed conservative policies, including restricting abortion and defending gun rights, and recently campaigned against citizen-backed initiatives for abortion rights and marijuana legalization. 然而,新的立法领导人暗示了潜在的转变,更多地关注保险和共管条例等地方问题,而不是严格遵循州长的议程。 However, new legislative leaders hint at potential shifts, focusing more on local issues like insurance and condominium regulations, rather than strictly following the governor's agenda.