席位分配事务投资370万英镑,用于在北爱尔兰扩大投资,目的是将更替率提高三倍,创造62个就业机会。 Seating Matters invests £3.7M to expand in Northern Ireland, aiming to triple turnover and create 62 jobs.
座位事务公司设计了治疗性座椅解决方案,正在投资370万英镑,以扩大在利马瓦迪和德里的制造设施。 Seating Matters, a company that designs therapeutic seating solutions, is investing £3.7 million to expand its manufacturing facilities in Limavady and Derry. 这一扩大的目的是到2027年使该公司的营业额增加三倍,并在今后两年内创造62个新的就业机会。 This expansion aims to triple the company's turnover by 2027 and will create 62 new jobs over the next two years. 新设施将加强公司服务全球市场的能力,包括欧洲、北美和澳大利亚。 The new facilities will enhance the company's capacity to serve global markets, including Europe, North America, and Australia.