在一架轻型飞机在新西兰塔斯曼湾坠毁后,紧急服务救出了飞行员。 Emergency services rescued the pilot after a light plane crashed in Tasman Bay, New Zealand.
应急服务,包括直升机和新西兰国防军的一架飞机,正在应对新西兰纳尔逊附近塔斯曼湾的一次轻型飞机坠毁事件。 Emergency services, including helicopters and a New Zealand Defence Force aircraft, are responding to a light plane crash in Tasman Bay near Nelson, New Zealand. 这名飞行员是唯一的住客,获救后被送到纳尔逊医院。 The pilot, the sole occupant, was rescued and taken to Nelson Hospital. 新西兰海事局在民航局和新西兰营救协调中心的支持下,正在领导这项行动。 Maritime New Zealand is leading the operation, with support from the Civil Aviation Authority and the Rescue Coordination Centre NZ.