德里的法院允许虚拟听证, 以对抗严重的空气污染, 让律师选择在线出庭。 Delhi's courts allow virtual hearings to combat severe air pollution, letting lawyers choose to appear online.
由于德里的严重空气污染,首席法官Sanjiv Khanna已指示法官尽可能提供虚拟法庭听证会。 Due to severe air pollution in Delhi, Chief Justice Sanjiv Khanna has instructed judges to offer virtual court hearings when possible. 律师现在可以选择在网上或亲自出庭。 Lawyers can now choose to appear online or in person. 这一决定是根据关切空气质量恶化、达到危险水平的法律代表提出的请求作出的。 This decision follows requests from legal representatives concerned about the deteriorating air quality, which has reached hazardous levels. 法院虽然没有完全过渡到在线运作,但旨在减少实际存在,以方便交通和改善空气质量。 While not fully transitioning to online operations, the court aims to reduce physical presence to ease traffic and improve air quality.