达拉斯牛仔队在对阵休斯顿德克萨斯人的比赛中遭遇了早期挫折,包括一个失败的假球和一个拦截. The Dallas Cowboys suffered early setbacks against the Houston Texans, including a failed fake punt and an interception.
达拉斯牛仔队在"星期一晚上的足球"比赛中面临艰难的开局. The Dallas Cowboys faced a tough start in their "Monday Night Football" game against the Houston Texans. 比赛开始时,尼科柯林斯(Nico Collins)的77码触地得分率很低,被罚款抵消,随后Joe Mixon(Joe Mixon)进行了45码触地得分。 The game began poorly with a 77-yard touchdown by Nico Collins, which was nullified by a penalty, followed by a 45-yard touchdown run by Joe Mixon. 牛仔队在一次失败的假弃球和库珀·拉什 (Cooper Rush) 的关键拦截中进一步挣扎。 The Cowboys struggled further with a failed fake punt and a key interception by Cooper Rush. 此外,金属碎片在开球前从AT&T体育场屋顶上掉下来,加剧了他们的不幸。 Additionally, metal pieces fell from the AT&T Stadium roof before kickoff, adding to their woes.