Yoon访问秘鲁后前往巴西参加20国集团峰会, Yoon travels to Brazil for G20 summit after visiting Peru, aiming to boost international relations.
Yoon前往巴西参加20国集团峰会, Yoon has traveled to Brazil to participate in the G20 summit, after making a stop in Peru. 20国集团首脑会议聚集了来自20个主要经济体的领导人,讨论全球挑战和经济政策。 The G20 summit brings together leaders from 20 major economies to discuss global challenges and economic policies. Yoon对秘鲁的访问是这次首脑会议的前身,很可能是为了在主要活动之前促进国际关系。 Yoon's visit to Peru was a precursor to the summit, likely aimed at fostering international relations before the main event.