联合国驻黎巴嫩维和人员在巡逻期间遭到40次枪击,没有人员受伤的报告。 UN peacekeepers in Lebanon were fired upon 40 times during a patrol, with no injuries reported.
在黎巴嫩南部的联合国维和人员,包括法国和芬兰部队,在巡逻村庄时遭到约40次枪击。 UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon, including French and Finnish troops, were fired upon about 40 times while patrolling villages. 巡逻队最初被一个至少一个武装的团伙挡住,然后从后面受到攻击。 The patrol was initially blocked by a group, at least one armed, before being attacked from behind. 没有维和人员受伤,但一些车辆遭到子弹撞击。 No peacekeepers were injured, but some vehicles sustained bullet impacts. 联黎部队认为这违反了国际法和联合国安全理事会第1701号决议。 UNIFIL views this as a violation of international laws and UN Security Council Resolution 1701. 他们正在调查这起事件。 They are investigating the incident.