让我们重新表达: 智库敦促NHS与生命科学合作, 以改善患者护理. Think tank calls for better NHS-industry合作需使用英文。让我们重新表述: Think tank urges NHS to collaborate more with life sciences for better patient care.
国王基金是一个智囊团,它敦促联合王国政府和国民保健制度领导人加强与生命科学行业的合作,以改善病人的护理。 The King's Fund, a think tank, urges the UK government and NHS leaders to increase collaboration with the life sciences industry to improve patient care. 目前对制药公司盈利动机的不信任和关切阻碍了这些伙伴关系。 Current mistrust and concerns over pharmaceutical firms' profit motives hinder these partnerships. 报告建议,国家国民保健制度领导人应与该行业合作制定联合指导和更好的合作,这将有助于改变保健服务。 The report suggests that national NHS leaders should work with the industry to develop joint guidance and better collaboration, which could help transform the health service.