新罕布什尔州波特斯茅斯 位列美国第二受欢迎的感恩节旅游目的地 Portsmouth, New Hampshire, ranks as America's second-most popular Thanksgiving travel destination.
新罕布什尔邦斯茅斯(Portsmouth)是美国第二最受欢迎的感恩节目的地。 Portsmouth, New Hampshire, is the second most popular Thanksgiving destination in America, according to thepioneerwoman.com, after Plymouth, Massachusetts. Portsmouth以其充满活力的市区、美丽的秋天风景和丰富的历史而著称,它提供许多景点,包括历史博物馆和海滨。 Known for its vibrant downtown, beautiful fall scenery, and rich history, Portsmouth offers numerous attractions including historical museums and a waterfront. 访问者也可参加12月7日的一年一度的PortsmouthIllued假日游行。 Visitors can also attend the annual Portsmouth Illuminated Holiday Parade on December 7th. 该镇是全年新英格兰人偏爱的目的地,在TripAdvisor上提供了更多建议。 The town is a favored year-round destination for New Englanders, with additional recommendations available on TripAdvisor.