一辆小卡车在佛罗里达州Volusia县左转,撞上了一辆摩托车,杀死了两名骑车者。 A pickup truck turning left in Volusia County, Florida, hit a motorcycle, killing both riders.
在佛罗里达州的Volusia县, 星期天晚上发生了一场致命的车祸, 一辆小卡车试图左向左向US-17, 在Winona湖路与一辆往南的摩托车撞上。 A fatal crash occurred Sunday evening in Volusia County, Florida, where a pickup truck, attempting to turn left onto US-17, collided with a southbound motorcycle on Lake Winona Road. 摩托车上那名57岁的男子和53岁的妇女因撞车而死亡。 The 57-year-old man and 53-year-old woman on the motorcycle died as a result of the collision. 卡车司机和她的11岁乘客没有受伤。 The truck driver and her 11-year-old passenger were not injured. 佛罗里达高速公路巡警正在调查事故原因 The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating the cause of the accident.