Alibaba计划发行全球高级无担保票据,以筹集资本和支持增长。 Alibaba plans to issue global senior unsecured notes to raise capital and support growth.
Alibaba集团已宣布计划提供高级无担保票据,目的是在全球市场上筹集资本。 Alibaba Group has announced plans to offer senior unsecured notes, aiming to raise capital in the global market. 包括数额和利率在内的确切细节尚未具体说明。 The exact details, including the amount and interest rates, are not yet specified. 这一行动是阿里巴巴加强财政灵活性和支持未来增长举措的战略的一部分。 This move is part of Alibaba's strategy to enhance its financial flexibility and support future growth initiatives.