据报告,制药工业面临技能短缺,阻碍数字转型。 Pharmaceutical industry faces skills shortage, hindering digital transformation, report says.
最近的一份《全球数据报告》强调,制药业,特别是大中型公司,技能严重短缺。 A recent GlobalData report highlights a significant skills shortage in the pharmaceutical industry, especially among large and medium-sized companies. 技术进步的飞速发展超过了传统的培训方案,造成了阻碍数字转型的技能差距。 The rapid pace of technological advancement has outstripped traditional training programs, creating a skills gap that hinders digital transformation. 公司需要加大投资力度,获取和提高技术人才技能,以保持竞争力。 Companies need to invest more in acquiring and upskilling tech-savvy talent to stay competitive.