巴基斯坦的FPCCI批评新的石油法修正案, 担心它们可能造成化学品短缺和伤害企业。 Pakistan's FPCCI criticizes new petroleum act amendments, fearing they may cause chemical shortages and harm businesses.
巴基斯坦的FPCCI批评了对1934年《石油法》的修正案,认为这些修正案可能会使化学品的许可证、储存和运输复杂化,从而损害中小企业和工业部门。 The FPCCI in Pakistan has criticized amendments to the 1934 Petroleum Act, arguing they could harm SMEs and industrial sectors by complicating licensing, storage, and transport of chemicals. 这些变化已导致混乱,并可能造成化学品短缺,影响生产和出口。 These changes have led to confusion and could cause chemical shortages, affecting production and exports. 爆炸物总干事与化安会会面,并承诺通过豁免和批准来帮助缓解这些问题。 The Director General of Explosives met with FPCCI and promised to help through exemptions and approvals to ease these issues.