尼日利亚委员会批评Uyo城市发展项目进展缓慢、工作不力。 Nigerian committee criticizes slow, poor work on urban development projects in Uyo.
尼日利亚城市发展众议院委员会批评Uyo新希望产业项目和Umu Etuk-Spencer Esin贫民窟道路改造进展缓慢,质量低劣。 The House Committee on Urban Development in Nigeria criticizes the slow progress and poor quality of the Renewed Hope Estate Project in Uyo and the Umu Etuk-Spencer Esin slum road upgrade. 阿瓦吉-伊农贝克·阿比安特主席呼吁建立更好的承包商,重建不合标准的公路。 Chairman Awaji-Inombek Abiante calls for better contractors and the reconstruction of the substandard road. 委员会下周将询问城市发展部长和4名参与其中的承包商。 The committee will question the Minister of Urban Development and the four involved contractors next week.