Fairfield消防员救出一个被困在船的储藏室里的人24小时。 Fairfield firefighters rescued a man trapped in a boat's storage compartment for 24 hours.
Fairfield消防员在星期六营救了一名被困在船的小储藏室里约24小时的人。 Fairfield firefighters rescued a man who had been trapped in a boat's small storage compartment for about 24 hours on Saturday. 半反应人通过一个18英寸的舱门被发现,在他的朋友报告他失踪后被送到圣文森特医院。 The semi-responsive man was found through an 18-inch hatch and taken to St. Vincent's Hospital after his friends reported him missing. 关于他如何被困的详细信息没有披露。 Details on how he became trapped were not disclosed.