专家向联合国请愿, 以保护黎巴嫩古老的遗址, 就像巴阿勒贝克(Baalbek), 在以色列冲突期间, Experts petition UN to protect Lebanon's ancient sites, like Baalbek, amid Israel conflict.
文化专家已请求联合国保护黎巴嫩的遗址,特别是古罗马的废墟,如巴阿勒贝克,这是在与以色列的持续冲突中发生的。 Cultural experts have petitioned the United Nations to protect Lebanon's heritage sites, especially ancient Roman ruins like Baalbek, amid the ongoing conflict with Israel. 请愿书呼吁建立“无目标区”和国际观察员, 来保护这些面临军事行动风险的教科文组织世界遗产遗址。 The petition calls for "no-target zones" and international observers to safeguard these UNESCO World Heritage sites, which are at risk from military actions. 冲突对历史遗址造成重大破坏,使一百多万人流离失所。 The conflict has caused significant damage to historical sites and displaced over a million people.