布里斯托尔的一位儿童在被一辆从路边坠毁的逃亡宝马击中后受重伤。 A child in Bristol is critically injured after being hit by a fleeing BMW that crashed off the road.
布里斯托尔的一个孩子 在劳伦斯韦斯顿的长十字路旁 被一辆宝马撞到后 病情危急 A child in Bristol is in critical condition after being hit by a BMW that veered off the road on Long Cross in Lawrence Weston. 这辆车的乘客据信是一男一女,他们步行逃离现场。 The car's occupants, believed to be a man and a woman, fled the scene on foot. 警方正在调查并请求公共援助,包括任何闭路电视录像或有关嫌疑人的信息。 Police are investigating and have asked for public assistance, including any CCTV footage or information about the suspects. 道路仍然关闭,应急服务仍在该地点。 The road remains closed, and emergency services are still at the location.