BASIS Austin 特许学校位于得克萨斯州最顶尖的中学,按美国新闻和世界报告排名。 BASIS Austin Charter School tops Texas middle schools, ranked by U.S. News & World Report.
得克萨斯州基础奥斯汀特许学校 被美国新闻和世界报道 命名为该州的顶级中学 Basis Austin Charter School in Texas has been named the top middle school in the state by U.S. News & World Report. 排名根据学生在数学和阅读/语言艺术评估方面的表现评估学校,同时考虑到社会经济因素。 The ranking assesses schools based on student performance in math and reading/language arts assessments, with consideration for socioeconomic factors. 在4 069所得克萨斯州中学中,348所名列前茅的8.5%,而约有一半因数据不足而获得“未升级”地位。 Out of 4,069 Texas middle schools, 348 ranked in the top 8.5%, while about half received "unranked" status due to insufficient data.