共和党人在美国众议院选举中保持微弱多数,导致政治持续僵局。 Republicans maintain slim majority in US House elections, leading to continued political deadlock.
最近美国众议院的选举以僵局告终,共和党人维持了微弱多数。 The recent US House elections ended in a stalemate, with Republicans maintaining a slim majority. 双方各赢得7个席位,只有8位现任者丧生。 Both parties gained seven seats each, while only eight incumbents lost. 尽管政治上存在两极分化和分歧,但结果显示与上届会议相比没有什么变化,导致政治持续僵局。 Despite political polarization and gerrymandering, the results show little change from the previous session, leading to continued political deadlock. 共和党人计划利用特别预算程序推动党派立法,而民主党人则接受他们未能重新上议院。 Republicans plan to use a special budget process to push partisan legislation, while Democrats accept their failure to retake the House.