阿曼投资于主要道路项目,包括亚当-图姆莱特公路部分的二元化,以促进经济和旅游业。 Oman invests in major road projects, including dualizing parts of the Adam-Thumrait Road, to boost economy and tourism.
阿曼交通部正在投资重大道路项目,以刺激其经济和旅游业。 Oman's Ministry of Transport is investing in major road projects to boost its economy and tourism. Adam-Thumrait路是该国最长的高速公路,除建造Jabal Shams路外,将在第3、4和5部分实现两用化。 The Adam-Thumrait Road, the country's longest expressway, will be dualized in parts 3, 4, and 5, alongside the construction of the Jabal Shams Road. 这些项目价值2.7845亿阿曼里亚尔,旨在加强物流和可持续发展。 These projects, valued at RO 278.45 million, aim to enhance logistics and sustainable development. Adam-Thumrait路的工作定于2025年初开始,为期36个月,而Jabal Shams路项目是作为旅游路线设计的,于2022年开始,为期24个月。 Work on the Adam-Thumrait Road is set to begin in early 2025, with a 36-month timeline, while the Jabal Shams Road project, designed as a tourist route, commenced in 2022 with a 24-month plan.