Montgomery县,马里兰州, 命名为美国宗教上最多样化的县, 在“上天堂的高速公路”展示各种礼拜场所。 Montgomery County, Maryland, named the U.S.'s most religiously diverse county, showcases diverse worship sites in "Highway to Heaven."
蒙哥马利县,马里兰州,被公众宗教研究院 (PRRI) 认定为美国最宗教多样化的县,以其在银泉的"通往天堂的高速公路"而闻名. Montgomery County, Maryland, identified as the most religiously diverse county in the US by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), is known for its "Highway to Heaven" in Silver Spring. 该地区有各种宗教机构,包括耶和华见证会、佛教、穆斯林和印度教礼拜场所。 This area features a variety of religious institutions, including Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhist, Muslim, and Hindu places of worship. 该县人口多种多样,非洲裔美国人、亚裔美国人和西班牙裔人社区人数众多,这为其高度的宗教多样性做出了贡献。 The county's diverse population, with significant African-American, Asian-American, and Hispanic communities, contributes to its high religious diversity. 不同信仰间伙伴关系是司空见惯的,可加强社区参与。 Interfaith partnerships are common, enhancing community engagement.