邮件罢工干扰了农民获取农业新闻的机会,敦促他们转向在线和电子邮件更新。 Mail strike disrupts farmers' access to agricultural news, urging shift to online and email updates.
由于邮件罢工持续进行,农民和农业工人在接收新闻和最新消息时面临混乱。 Due to the ongoing mail strike, farmers and agriculture industry workers are facing disruptions in receiving their news and updates. 一些农业出版物正在敦促读者在线或通过电子邮件订阅查阅其内容,以便随时了解情况。 Several agricultural publications are urging readers to access their content online or through email subscriptions to stay informed. 尽管罢工对实际邮寄邮件产生了影响,但这项咨询意见旨在帮助农业社区跟上重要新闻的步伐。 This advice aims to help the agricultural community keep up with important news despite the strike's impact on physical mail delivery.