印度派遣16名运动员参加特别奥运亚太博克赛和保龄球赛比赛。 India sends 16 athletes to compete in the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Bocce and Bowling event.
印度已宣布,从18-22年11月起,有16名成员的队伍参加在新德里举行的特别奥运亚太博克斯和保龄球比赛。 India has announced a 16-member squad to compete in the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Bocce and Bowling Competition in New Delhi from November 18-22. 这次活动的重点是22岁及以上有智力和发育残疾的运动员,标志着第一次保龄球是特殊奥运会运动员的竞技运动。 This event, focusing on athletes aged 22 and above with intellectual and developmental disabilities, marks the first time bowling is a competitive sport for Special Olympics athletes. 来自包括印度在内的12个国家的100多名运动员将参加这次活动。 Over 100 athletes from 12 countries, including India, will participate.