香港事故律师启动数据库,以识别危险的路点和援助事故受害者。 Hong Kong Accident Lawyers launch database to identify dangerous road spots and aid accident victims.
香港事故律师发起“香港交通黑点数据库”, Hong Kong Accident Lawyers launched a "Hong Kong Traffic Black Spots Database" to enhance road safety by identifying high-risk areas across the city. 该平台按区域对易发生事故的地点进行分类,并提供交通事故和工伤索赔指南,帮助受害者了解他们的合法权利和应采取的步骤。 The platform categorizes accident-prone locations by region and offers claim guides for traffic accidents and work injuries to help victims understand their legal rights and steps to take. 该公司致力于定期更新数据库,并提供透明的法律支持。 The firm is committed to updating the database regularly and providing transparent legal support.