伊利诺伊州一名醉酒司机撞上了一辆停泊在停车场的警车,造成大面积破坏,这是一连串“改变法律”违法行为的一部分。 A drunk driver in Illinois hit a parked police car, causing extensive damage, as part of a string of "Move Over Law" violations.
德克萨斯州40岁男子Omar Castillo Loera在东圣路易斯驾驶时,撞了停在东圣路易斯I-55肩上的伊利诺伊州警分队的一辆汽车。 A 40-year-old Texas man, Omar Castillo Loera, struck an Illinois State Police squad car parked on the shoulder of I-55 in East St. Louis while driving under the influence. 这名士兵当时不在车上,车辆遭受了大面积的损坏。 The trooper was not in the vehicle at the time, which suffered extensive damage. Loera面临多重指控,包括酒后驾车和未向紧急车辆屈服。 Loera faces multiple charges including DUI and failing to yield to an emergency vehicle. 这起事件是伊利诺伊州今年发生的 23 起与违反“Move Over Law”有关的车祸之一,该法要求司机为紧急车辆让路。 This incident is one of 23 crashes in Illinois linked to violations of the "Move Over Law" this year, which requires drivers to move over for emergency vehicles.