副总统哈里斯车队的一员凯文·贝雷塔 (Kevin Bereta) 警官从立交桥上坠落 30 英尺后起诉华盛顿州。 Officer Kevin Bereta, part of VP Harris' motorcade, sues Washington state after a 30-foot fall from an overpass.
贝尔维尤警官凯文·贝雷塔曾是副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯的车队成员,他于2023年8月从西雅图的一座桥上摔下30英尺,身受重伤,现在正在起诉华盛顿州。 Bellevue police officer Kevin Bereta, who was part of Vice President Kamala Harris' motorcade, is suing the state of Washington after he fell 30 feet from an overpass in Seattle in August 2023, sustaining severe injuries. Bereta的诉讼主张 国家意识到 需要更高的屏障 来预防此类事故, 但未能采取行动。 Bereta's lawsuit claims the state was aware that a higher barrier was needed to prevent such accidents, but failed to act. 诉讼引证了前两起 摩托车手被从同一个过道发射的事故 其中一起是致命事故 The lawsuit cites two previous incidents where motorcyclists were launched off the same overpass, one fatally. Bereta因伤患多处手术和永久性损伤。 Bereta suffered multiple surgeries and permanent damage from his injuries.