由于旅行护士费用增加,新不伦瑞克面临92 100万加元的赤字,高于预计的盈余。 New Brunswick faces a $92.1M deficit, up from a projected surplus, due to higher travel nurse costs.
新不伦瑞克的财务报告目前预测赤字为9 210万美元,比去年的预算盈余4 090万美元有所增加。 New Brunswick's fiscal report now projects a $92.1 million deficit, up from a budgeted $40.9 million surplus last year. 这一变化的主要原因是旅行护士费用增加。 This change is mainly due to higher costs for travel nurses. 尽管收入增加1.188亿美元,主要来自联邦赠款和税收增益,但支出却有所增加,导致赤字比以前预期的要大。 Despite a $118.8 million increase in revenue, primarily from federal grants and tax gains, expenses have risen, leading to a larger deficit than previously expected.