爱尔兰的出口在2021年9月猛增到创纪录的222亿欧元,以药品和化学品为主导。 Ireland's exports surged to a record €22.2 billion in September 2021, led by pharmaceuticals and chemicals.
爱尔兰在2021年9月创下222亿欧元的出口创纪录,由药品和化学品驱动,占出口的70%以上。 Ireland hit a record €22.2 billion in exports in September 2021, driven by pharmaceuticals and chemicals, which made up over 70% of exports. 尽管如此激增,专家们还是警告爱尔兰和美国之间关税和贸易限制的增加今后可能会造成混乱,预计到2025年将产生影响。 Despite the surge, experts warn of potential future disruptions due to increased tariffs and trade restrictions between Ireland and the US, with impacts expected in 2025. 贸易盈余从8月的54亿欧元增至11亿欧元。 The trade surplus grew to €11.0 billion, up from €5.4 billion in August.