Google为Android介绍「安全电子邮件」, 以保护用户免受垃圾邮件及临时电子邮件化名的影响。 Google introduces "Shielded Email" for Android to protect users from spam with temporary email aliases.
Google正在为Android开发一个名为“安全电子邮件”的新功能, 让用户能够建立临时电子邮件化名, 以保护他们的主要电子邮件地址不受垃圾邮件和追踪。 Google is developing a new feature called "Shielded Email" for Android, which will allow users to create temporary email aliases to protect their primary email addresses from spam and tracking. 与苹果的“隐藏我的电子邮件”相似, 化名会将信息传送到用户的主收件箱 。 Similar to Apple's "Hide My Email," the aliases will forward messages to the user's main inbox. Google Play Services最近更新了Google Play Services, 发现这一功能,但关于其确切发布日期和实施情况的细节仍然不明。 The feature was found in a recent Google Play Services update but details on its exact release date and implementation are still unknown.