109名外国人因网络犯罪在尼日利亚被捕;由于缺乏法律代表,法院拖延传讯。 109 foreigners arrested in Nigeria for cybercrimes; court delays arraignment due to lack of legal representation.
来自中国、印度尼西亚和巴西等国家的109名外国人在尼日利亚因涉嫌网络犯罪和洗钱而被捕。 109 foreigners from countries including China, Indonesia, and Brazil, were arrested in Nigeria for alleged cybercrimes and money laundering. 由于缺乏法律代理,他们的传讯被推迟,法院将此案延期至11月22日,以便他们有时间聘请律师。 Their arraignment was delayed due to the lack of legal representation, and the court has adjourned the case until November 22 to allow them time to hire lawyers. 指控包括宣传一个未注册的赌博平台和在尼日利亚非法居留。 The charges include promoting an unregistered gaming platform and unlawful residence in Nigeria.