德克萨斯理工大学的 Red Raiders 以 96-49 击败怀俄明州,JT Toppin 得到 24 分并抢下 12 个篮板。 Texas Tech's Red Raiders beat Wyoming 96-49, with JT Toppin scoring 24 points and grabbing 12 rebounds.
得克萨斯州理工学院的JT T Toppin带领红色突击队 在怀俄明州取得96 -49的胜利 得24分 并取得12次回弹 Texas Tech's JT Toppin led the Red Raiders to a dominant 96-49 victory over Wyoming, scoring 24 points and grabbing 12 rebounds. Red Raiders 迫使 25 次失误,投篮命中率为 64%,将他们的主场非联盟连胜纪录延长到 33 场。 The Red Raiders forced 25 turnovers and shot 64% from the field, extending their home nonconference winning streak to 33 games. 怀俄明州的Obi Agbim 得15分, 但牛仔队在上半场与26%的枪击搏斗, 导致他们第一次击败赛季。 Wyoming's Obi Agbim scored 15 points, but the Cowboys struggled with 26% shooting in the first half, leading to their first defeat of the season.