议会小组在议会众议院的活动中讨论艺术中的暴力侵害妇女行为问题。 Parliamentary group addresses violence against women in arts at House of Parliament event.
议会艺术和时尚学会于10月24日在议会众议院举行了2024年大会,讨论创意产业中的暴力问题,特别是对妇女和女孩的影响。 The Parliamentary Society for Arts and Fashion held its 2024 Assembly at the House of Parliament on October 24, addressing violence in creative industries, especially affecting women and girls. 主席Rebeca Riofrio女士组织了这次活动,来自不同部门的150名著名与会者参加了活动。 Chairwoman Rebeca Riofrio organized the event, which featured 150 prominent attendees from various sectors. 主旨发言人Alex Davies-Jones强调了打击艺术暴力的必要性,并向那些致力于改善安全的人表示敬意。 Keynote speaker Alex Davies-Jones highlighted the need to combat violence within arts and honored those working to improve safety. 大会庆祝Marine Tanguy和Tunç Tiryaki博士等领导人,承认他们对增强权能和人道主义工作的贡献。 The assembly celebrated leaders like Marine Tanguy and Dr. Tunç Tiryaki, recognizing their contributions to empowerment and humanitarian efforts.