新西兰警方在IPCA认为必要的国内事件中枪击Tane Wipa。 New Zealand police's shooting of Tane Wipa during a domestic incident deemed necessary by IPCA.
独立警察行为管理局(IPCA)裁定,去年警方有理由在新西兰Wainuiomata枪击和杀害Tane Wipa。 The Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) has ruled that police were justified in shooting and killing Tane Wipa in Wainuiomata, New Zealand, last year. 在一次家庭暴力事件中,Wipa将螺丝刀塞到其伴侣的喉咙上。 Police were called to a domestic violence incident where Wipa was holding a screwdriver to his partner's throat. 威帕的侵略升级,导致军官朝他的肩膀开枪,以防止他伤害该妇女。 Despite efforts to de-escalate over an hour, Wipa's aggression escalated, leading officers to shoot him in the shoulder to prevent him from harming the woman. IPCA认为枪击事件是确保她安全的唯一可行选择。 The IPCA found the shooting to be the only viable option to ensure her safety.